The BBC aired this wonderful three part series following the editors of Country Life magazine as they travel the British countryside exploring houses, land, farmers, gardeners and life in the country. It was excellent! I'm ready to move.
Love his office and all the books and mementos.
The magazine not only highlights all the beauty, the properties and the positives but the plight and difficulties as well.
National Gardens Scheme day where Judith and Andrew Hussey open their garden and serve homemade cakes and tea for charity.
A traditional hunt, which is a drag hunt--actual fox hunting has been outlawed.
This artist's family manor has been kept open because her parents created a trust and the public is allowed in to tour. She painted the Queen and her dogs once and was given 3-1 hour sittings with the Queen.
Mary Miers, the Fine Arts and Books editor, lives in Scotland and commutes to London each week for her job. Her closest neighbor is 1/4 mile away.
Violet, aged five, nominated her dog, Rabbit, for Britain's naughtiest dog and he won. It was well deserved! :) One of Rabbit's escapades was hopping on an Amazon delivery truck and happily chewing packages until he was discovered by the driver and returned.
Another editor lives in the country with her husband, who is a gamekeeper. Despite their small kitchen, I love the large gas range . . . priorities. They also had Emma Bridgewater mugs :)
Paula Lester, another editor, lives in the country with her husband, who is a gamekeeper. Despite their small kitchen, I love the large gas range . . . priorities. They also had Emma Bridgewater mugs :)
The head editor and the fishing editor took a fishing trip in the very north of Scotland. Loved the beautiful landscape, soft rain and the fact that they dress for the occasion and look dapper with their Labrador retrievers no matter what.
They cooked their fish over an open fire with fresh lemon wedges and good butter. Completely civilized. love it.
They also showed a fun segment where they chose Gentleman of the Year.
Country Life’s gentlemanly commandments
1) A gentleman is at ease in any situation- and puts others at their ease
2) A gentleman is always on time
3) A gentleman dresses to suit the occasion
4) A gentleman will eat anything that’s put in front of him-but, left to his own devices, is happiest with unfussy fare such as omelettes and shepherd’s pie
5) A gentleman will occasionally be drunk-but never disorderly
6) A gentleman doesn’t flash his cash and is mindful of others’ financial circumstances when choosing a restaurant or booking group holidays
7) A gentleman is more interested in finding out how you are than in telling you about himself
8) A gentleman’s word is his bond
9) A gentleman can talk to anyone
1) A gentleman is at ease in any situation- and puts others at their ease
2) A gentleman is always on time
3) A gentleman dresses to suit the occasion
4) A gentleman will eat anything that’s put in front of him-but, left to his own devices, is happiest with unfussy fare such as omelettes and shepherd’s pie
5) A gentleman will occasionally be drunk-but never disorderly
6) A gentleman doesn’t flash his cash and is mindful of others’ financial circumstances when choosing a restaurant or booking group holidays
7) A gentleman is more interested in finding out how you are than in telling you about himself
8) A gentleman’s word is his bond
9) A gentleman can talk to anyone