16 October 2014

#1 Item for house guests!

Can you guess what this is? 
Fresh linens, flowers, reading material, good food? 
Well, you should have all of those . . . but I was reading a favorite blog the other day and it mentioned the #1 item is . . . . a toilet PLUNGER! And I thought to myself, of course! 
There's nothing worse than being at someone's house and seeing that water rise and rise . . . and not have a plunger in the bathroom to quietly take care of things without having to ask.

We have old toilets in our house that can be temperamental, so a few years ago I put a plunger in all 3 bathrooms.  The funny thing is~~the one in our upstairs guest bathroom disappeared!  I can't find it anywhere.  So, with our house guest en route, I'm off to purchase another one.  Hopefully, it won't be needed but just in case . . .

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