May is decorator show house month and two elements that kept reappearing were sisal rugs and grasscloth wallpaper~both favorites of mine. Awhile ago I requested a sample from The Perfect Rug and it was such a fun package to receive, take a look. I opened it while waiting in the school pick-up line.
These types of rugs work in any room with many different types of decor, even on a staircase if it's the right weight.
Great packaging.
A measuring tape, guide and masking tape to measure off the space to determine rug size.
and there was no cost to me even for shipping.
woot, thankyou! I finally came to a site where the webmaster knows what they're talking about. Do you know how many results are in Google when I search.. too many! It's so annoying having to go from page after page after page, wasting my day away with thousands of people just copying eachother's articles… bah. Anyway, thankyou very much for the info anyway, much appreciated.