07 October 2010

IKEA project

 This probably doesn't look like much, but I have to admit it took me about 10 hours to choose all the elements and design 4 rooms for my first project in Principles of Interior Design.  We had an imaginary couple as clients, a floor plan (to scale) with all the doors and windows marked and a budget of $10,000.  Everything had to purchased from IKEA.
We had to keep in mind our clients' preferences, lifestyle, habits and budget.  Everything we chose needed to look great and fit properly in the room.  It took me awhile to get inspired but then something clicked and I became absorbed in designing these spaces and the time flew--it was 2 a.m. before I knew it!  Most everyone in the class presented today and it was interesting to see how differently each space turned out.  It is becoming clear how much effort goes into making a space functional, comfortable and aesthetically pleasing.  My appreciation of good designers continues to grow.

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