29 September 2010

Tim Gunn

Tim Gunn at home in Chelsea's London Terrace, NYC
Mr. Gunn is practical, down to earth and minds his budget when it comes to purchases.
The following is an excerpt from USA Today.
Only billionaires can afford real antiques these days, says Gunn, so he typically trawls less lofty places for furnishings--flea markets, family homes and catalogues. "I have to do everything on a budget, boy do I," he says.  That means a rug from Ballard Designs, a screen from Horchow and blue + white vases from Ikea. " I love all those places.  There are lots of great things, and, for the most part, they're pretty affordable.  They make things accessible," he says.  "Bravo, Pottery Barn!"
 his latest book
Life's Little Lessons for Making It Work is delightful.  Tim Gunn is an excellent storyteller and shares wisdom gained from a lifetime of experiences--personal and professional.   When I saw the first season of Project Runway, I became an instant fan.  He has great manners combined with a forthright, respectful demeanor.  Some of the events he shares made me laugh out loud.  If you enjoy him on the show, you will love his book.

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